

What I’ve learned from one year of cold showers…

“What I’ve learned from one year of cold showers…” ~ This week’s new podcast episode is out now! A year ago, I put my foot down. My daily life was getting too comfortable. A year after retiring from triathlon training, I felt like my threshold for discomfort had significantly dropped and I was becoming a bit…

What I’ve learned from one year of cold showers… Read More »

I’ve been fired from a job, I’ve run a workshop to 2 people, I’ve failed TAFE…

Let me share with you a little snippet of the timeline of my journey from 2014 to 2023… (Yes those photos above are almost like a before and after lol) 2014: Failed my Personal Training TAFE course 2015: Started posting online to 23 followers 2016: 2 people + my parents came to my first workshop

I’ve been fired from a job, I’ve run a workshop to 2 people, I’ve failed TAFE… Read More »

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)