
Your audience doesn’t need just inspiration and knowledge

They need practicality for real life change

Trang has a unique story and message to share. And she will deliver it to your audience with her warmth, high energy, and include tangible concepts so your audience can walk away with immediate results and opportunities.

“Everything today was mind blowing. You can hear something a million times, but it won’t stick until the right words comes along. Today, Trang gifted that to me. She is inspiring and I’m very grateful our paths have crossed
Ngoc Trang
Financial team leader
“Today was special. I have left today as a different person to the one who showed up 11 hours ago in the best way possible!”
Tash La Rosa

Trang Nova is a life and business mentor and speaker for those who know they’re made for more. 

As the daughter of immigrant Vietnamese parents who instilled cultural expectations about what her career should be (Doctor, Lawyer, or Disappointment), Trang settled for Physiotherapy. But after a few years, she decided that she wanted to become and do more.

Trang went through a quarter-life crisis that involved exploring her authentic truth, overcoming Imposter Syndrome, rebelling against cultural expectations, and the scariest part: Starting and growing her business in an industry that her parents had never heard of before, to replace her ‘honourable’ masters-qualified profession!

At the start, Trang had no idea what she was doing. She overworked myself until she had to learn a hard lesson not just once, but twice: Falling asleep at the wheel and causing multiple accidents.

From then, Trang became obsessed with doing business in a spacious way to avoid burnout. Two years later building her passion project alongside her job, she had completely replaced her income and could finally do what she loved and serve her heart’s passion while living life on her own terms.

The thing is, Trang has lived multiple lives: She’s been in the trenches working 60-hour weeks, she’s stood her ground against backlash as a rebellious woman of colour in the personal development industry, and now, she runs her spacious business while traveling half of the year

Trang is determined to help as many people as possible, particularly women, step into their greatest power, thrive, and lead lives of impact. Trang believes that when enough people are thriving, then humanity as a collective, will thrive. And when humanity thrives, the world can thrive for us all now and for future generations too.

Trang is amazing. She’s gifted and extremely intuitive. The was the best 2.5 hours spent
Arifa Tajbhai
"Love Trang’s energy, motivation & positivity. It's so infectious"
Eleah Solagna
Event manager