
I know that you have big dreams for your business and life, and ultimately want to be able to do what you love, on your own terms to have a life of freedom and fulfillment

You want to achieve a constant state of confidence and joy in your business & life

Maybe you want to pivot away from your 9-5 and you’re ready to take the first step to launch your side hustle

Maybe you dream of finally completely replacing your current profession with your dream business

Maybe you are ready for complete world domination in your business and be recognised as the BEST in what you do

In order to achieve that, you need personalised guidance and a strategy that’s right for YOU so you can fast track your dream results, while feeling safely held and supported through every stage along the way 

You don’t want to fluff around, instead, you’re ready to jump straight into the thing that’s been holding you back the most, to learn what you don’t already know, and have the most intimate partnership to achieve your best results



Completely bespoke partnerships ranging from once-off strategy and coaching sessions, to 12-month mentorships where I walk by your side through it ALL so you can have the specific guidance and accountability that will fast-track your results toward doing what you love and on your own terms to have a life of freedom and fulfillment

"Trang has really changed my life. In the past year and a half of mentoring, I’ve built my own Personal training studio and without trang I don’t think I would’ve done it"
Laura Broekaert
Physiotherapist & PT
"Working with Trang has been game-changing. In my career, I’ve made hard decisions and taken opportunities that I wouldn’t have been ready for if it weren’t for Trang"
Katharine Wrobel

Without having had a mentor myself, I know with certainty that I would still be stuck in my 9-5 which was draining me, instead of running a thriving business that allowed me to live my dream life: Serving my mission and doing what I love while travelling the world!

And this is exactly why I offer 1:1 Mentoring – So that people like you can have the exact tools and a personalised strategy to finally achieve worldwide domination in your business, while still having the space and freedom to live your fullest life 

What do clients have to say about working with Trang?


Life and Business Mentoring isn’t unique, but HOW I do it is...

The thing is, I’ve lived multiple lives: I’ve been in the trenches of hustle-culture working 60-hour weeks, and now I run my spacious business while travelling half of each year 

What that means, is I can help you with ALL of it

Tbh, I know a lot of coaches who only teach business strategy without the personal development to hold that business success. In contrast, a lot of coaches are more focused on spiritual healing/manifestation than actual results generation. 

My strengths are in empowerment and lifting your energy from the inside out, as well as crafting proven strategies and executing high-performance rituals so you can achieve extraordinary success AND sustain it 

I’m told that it’s my bold action and high results that inspire women to come in, but it’s my warm and authentic care that keeps women renewing time and time



The beauty of working 1:1 means we skip any of the frills and dive straight into all the specific things that are holding you back from taking your business to the next level. Specifically, we’ll uncover any of your unresolved beliefs or doubts so that you can pave the way to more possibilities and be ready to take action on your personalised strategy


From here, we’ll then run a fine-comb through your personal routines such as your time management and task organisation so you can create mind-blowing weeks of productivity and freedom. When you do this, you’ll avoid burn-out because you’ll have the foundations to achieve tremendous results WHILE still living a spacious life of joy and peace


Now that you have developed all the fundamentals, I will help you craft out your own business bespoke strategy from your branding to your offers so you can dominate in your business and become recognised as the best at what you do now and for years to come. I’ll support you along your journey of execution with accountability and love, so you can skip the years of trial and error, and fast track your dream business and life of freedom and fulfilment

"Trang is so pure. Like SO pure that I sometimes think 'Is she putting it on?' But she isn't, she is just so truly authentic and inspiring. I'm so grateful to Trang for opening my heart to depths I couldn't comprehend
Sue May Wong
"Trang has seriously changed my life . She is such an incredible person with wisdom beyond her years and so much to offer. I’m super duper grateful for everything she’s taught me"
Natasha La Rosa


  • Start with one month, or jump straight into 6 or 12 months of premium 1:1 mentoring so you can be supported at the exact level that you need
  • 3x 60-minute mentoring sessions each month so you have frequent progress, strategy refinement and accountability
  • Access to Power Your Potential so you have the foundational application of mindset, self-love, high-performance habits and more that will be needed to hold your success
  • Access to the Life of Legacy Mastermind and Retreat* so you have the group support that will permanently elevate your standards of reality even more
  • Unlimited access to Trang (Mon-Fri) so that you are never alone
*For the 12-month mentoring package

This is no ordinary work. My approach is a blend of my own learnings from eight years of business experience, my own original systems that have been successfully applied by hundreds of clients, strategies I’ve been taught from over 100k worth of investment in my own development, and more.

Each session is crafted to gift you with the exact process you need to keep making moves each week. Whether it’s coaching to work through something that’s troubling you, a series of sessions dedicated to your branding strategy,  spotlighting something that isn’t working in your marketing or guidance to work through your patterns and get clear on your next steps… You can trust that you’ll be supported through your journey, through and through

So apply now for THRIVE 1:1 Mentoring, so you can have the most intimate partnership with a guide who will be there every step along your journey, and will provide you with the bespoke care, love and guidance that you need to build your dream business and thrive at the highest level in your life as a human being


The beauty of 1:1 Mentoring is that it can be completely tailored to your needs along your journey, whether you are just starting out with an idea or you are wanting to exceed your current profession and reach for the stars in your business

The biggest thing that you need for you to make the most of 1:1 Mentoring is your commitment to take everything that you are given, and put in place the work required to achieve your outcomes! Otherwise, leave the rest to me 🙂 

My clients have achieved incredible results:

  • Plenty of launched businesses such as cafes, personal training studios, destiny-reading businesses 
  • A pharmacist making her musician dreams a reality by releasing her first single and having it featured on the radio 
  • Record 4- and 5-figure sales
  • Doubled revenue in businesses
  • Record pay-rises through increased confidence and negotiation
  • A woman ticking off her ‘ONE dream she must achieve before she dies’ within 18 months by leaving her corporate job, selling her house and moving to the country onto her dream property
  • Women leaving their jobs that they’ve been stuck in and landing their dream roles
  • Banishment of Imposter Syndrome
  • Starting up the new habit of exercising/breathwork/journaling and sticking with it longer than she’s ever been able to before
  • Women being able to say ‘I’m finally at peace and happy’

And so much more…

Depending on availability, you can start mentoring at any time!

To maximise individual attention, I cap my 1:1 mentoring at 8 clients at a time.

I pride myself on the intimacy of the partnerships I have with clients. In addition to our set mentoring calls, I am available Monday – Friday via messenger with a 24-hour response rate (But is usually often faster!)

Dip your toes in with one month of mentoring, or commit to 6 or 12 months so you have the commitment and timeframe required to work through the steps of development and actualise your desired outcomes!

When you commit to 12-months, you will also get BONUS access to the complete Life of Legacy live Mastermind and 4-Day Retreat, which is already worth >7000AUD on its own. Incredible value!


If you are committed to your development and results, then I’m committed to making this work for you. I desire to be as inclusive as possible in my offerings, and would hate for someone to miss out simply due to their financial circumstances within a singular snapshot of time. 
Depending on your needs, we can arrange a flexible payment plan that suits you!

"Honestly, being coached by Trang was an amazing experience. I enjoyed it so much I'm doing another course run by Trang!"
Maree Ioannou