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Dear young Trang from 2004…

I’m now 2.5 months into my solo travel. Throughout this time, I’ve had incredible experiences, met more of myself, and developed deeper insights. It’s truly been a fast-tracked time of growth… Not to mention pure fun being on (What feels like) permanent holidays!

In a recent journaling session, I distilled one of my major learnings into a letter to my younger self. This is something I’ve truly come to peace with after my entire life trajectory got uprooted this year.

It’s something I would’ve loved to hear earlier on in my journey. So I wanted to share it with you here…

Dear Trang from 2004,

It’ll be okay.

It might not turn out the way you expect, but what you expect about your future is just one storyline you’ve become attached to. It’s just one path out of infinite paths that will ALL lead to you being okay.

People around you tend to label that one path is right and one is wrong. Or one will make you happy and one will cause you regret.

But you can be happy and thrive with success in more than one way, you know…

Trust your path. You are whole and worthy of so much that this universe has to offer.

So, go and take that risk. Take up space unapologetically. Chase that big dream. Break the norm. Do what makes you happy. You don’t have anything to lose.

You will be okay. You’ll MAKE it okay.

~ Love, Trang from 2023

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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