
You’re working hard but why are you not seeing success in your business?

You’re working so hard, but why are you not seeing success in your business?

Contrary to what I used to think, hard work does not constitute all the factors of success

Last year, I worked the least in the business than ever before, yet it was still the biggest year in business I’ve ever had.


Some of my biggest opportunities in the last year have come from a small effort or seed that I’d planted 2 years prior, a relationship I’d built and nurtured over months, or a tweak in my messaging or strategy.

Hard work is often the foundation of our business’ success

But on its own, it can’t carry the fort, especially if you’re not being intentional about the rest of your strategy surrounding your work input!

This is just one of the many things that I have changed my mind about in business, life, relationships, and more.

If you’re currently going through a challenge in your life in any of these areas, listen to this week’s new podcast episode where I share with you 8 things that I have changed my mind about so that you, too, can take on a fresh perspective that will help you move forward in your life with ease.

Listen to it here! 

Let me know what you think, and which one you resonate with the most! 🙂

~ Trang Nova xo

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)