
What’s a lifetime of fulfillment worth?

I believe we’re in a time of change. After the last 2.5 years… We have realised:

It’s not worth it. 

It’s not worth doing crappy jobs or overworking in a role, even if it pays well. It’s not worth trading our mental health for a paycheck. It’s not worth sticking out a job where we’re being undervalued.

At the start, it’s possible to push through… We think “Work is just work… It pays the bills”. So then we make up for our misery by binging on tv, social media, food, drinking, socialising, and partying instead. We keep ourselves so busy that we don’t have to face the greater reality of our situation.

But then, issues start to pop up. We start becoming snappy to our loved ones, start feeling burnt-out, health problems arise, days feel longer and longer, until eventually we snap and decide something needs to change.

This has been clear with the great resignation, with 10% of employed people quitting last year.

And now, it’s undeniable that people are becoming more fussy with the jobs they take, and more are choosing to become their own boss.

Technology has allowed us to start our own businesses with $0, and scale to 6-7 figures. We can reach millions of people from our own homes. We can pursue our obsession and actually make it work. We can create change in this world in our own unique way.

Sure, it’s going to be scary. It’s going to take at least a few months (More accurately years and decades) of moments of discomfort. You’ll need to invest decent money into this pursuit. You’ll lose old friends. There are going to be low lows.

But where there’s one thing, there’s contrast. You’ll experience the highest highs you’ve ever had. You’ll make new friends. You’ll make back what you invested financially, and more. You’ll have time and lifestyle flexibility. You’ll get to your last day and be deeply fulfilled and proud.

So, what is a lifetime of fulfillment worth? To me, it’s worth everything.

It’s worth the lifetime pursuit and investment of time, energy, and finances. Because ultimately, what else are you living for?

If this resonated with you, I’m thinking about running one final, intimate & practical masterclass this year on ‘ How To Grow Your Personal Brand To Six Figures ‘. If you want to start 2023 with an advantage and learn the key lessons I learned from hitting this milestone within 18 months, then send an email to trang@alignedperformance.com.au and let me know!

I’ll put you on a waitlist and send out details & registration next week. There will be 8 spots only – First in, first served!

~ Trang

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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