
Welcome to my morning routine

Let’s talk morning routines…

It’s funny because I can already hear some of you saying ‘Pffft, what a fancy load of shi*t. I don’t have time for that!’  But the thing is, you already have a morning routine, you just don’t call it so 😝In addition, morning routines don’t necessarily need to be 2 or 3 hours (Although they can be and that’s how I choose to create my life). Even 10 mins of intentional behaviours in the morning can make a difference.


Well, how you start your day sets the pace and your state for the rest of the day 🚀  Imagine if you were to go on a date. At the start of the date, you have a disagreement and fight. Let’s be honest, that would taint the vibes for the rest of the date, right? 👎🏽  So if you find that you’re often going through your days low on energy, feeling apathetic, frantic or negative, then maybe check in with how you are choosing to start your days.  Because in the end, how you live your days is how you live your life.

So this is my current morning routine that I find is highly resourceful:

  1. Getting up with my alarm (NO snoozing) to honour my commitment from the night before and start the day empowered
  2. Turn off my alarm WITHOUT checking my phone. This is because I preserve this time to keep to myself
  3. Train – Filling up my cup physically
  4. Meditate – Filling up my cup emotionally. This is where I will practice mindfulness, but also visualise future outcomes and get excited for them.
  5. Journal as I eat breakfast – Filling up my cup mentally. I write down things to make my visualisations tangible, do other self-reflection, work through any challenges I’m facing or plan for the day.

If you want to know more details about both myl morning and nighttime routine, check out episode 19 of The Aligned Performance Podcast. Enjoy!

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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