
Do you want to work with me? This is your special offer!

I’ve created this special End-Of-Year Special Offer that will never be available again…

This special is for all you women who are hungry to create an extraordinary career/biz that’s aligned to your heart’s purpose in 2023, so you can:

  • Achieve your potential and get recognised doing what you love
  • Create time & lifestyle freedom
  • Be fulfilled each night when you go to bed

It’s NOT for women who are:
– Only interested in achieving success for themselves without caring about leaving a greater impact
– Looking for a surface-level, quick fix without any effort. I will give you everything you need, but your results are only ever up to you and the work you put in.

What I’ve noticed is that in today’s world in many countries, especially the West, our core survival needs are being met, so we are looking to fulfil higher-level core needs. Success isn’t enough anymore to fulfil us – No wonder so many CEO’s/millionaires are still miserable. No wonder so many people who do ‘well’ are still having a quarter/mid-life crisis (Hello me!).

It’s the success that’s ALIGNED TO OUR HEART’S PURPOSE that we seek, and need.

And to add to this – The workforce is changing: It’s now extremely fast-paced so jobs that exist today might not in 10 years, and jobs that don’t exist today are the next best opportunity in 10 years. There’s so much more opportunity.

So women will have a core purpose, but how that looks will change many times over their lifetime. And it’s a journey that will take a lot of inner work, courage, and support.

If we don’t achieve purposeful success, we will experience feeling confused, disheartened, and unfulfilled. This feeling starts off small, then grows over time. It starts off appearing sometimes, but then becomes more constant. It will slowly eat us from the inside out until it’s too late. We’ll suffer during our final days of life because we’re not ready to go yet. I believe one of the biggest pains is regret because it can’t be changed.

Allow me to show you the way I’ve helped dozens of women create and live their dream careers and life this year. After working with so many individuals, it’s clear as anything: Everyone has the potential to achieve what they want, they are just lacking the resources to do so.

If you’re interested, here are the 4 offers with up to 50% off available to you:

“The best 2.5 hours spent”

“Trang is more than a coach, she became my rock, and friend”

“Everything was mindblowing. I feel like I’d got front-row seats to a TED talk”

Click each link to get started!

See you on the inside 🙂

~ Trang

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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