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Are you ready for your best year yet?

Welcome to 2024, where there will undoubtedly be more expansion and change along your journey.

I get it… Change can be daunting and uncomfortable.

But the thing is, change is the PRICE OF ENTRY for extraordinary results

Not to mention, change IS the nature of being alive

Something I constantly remind myself is ‘the only constant in life is change’

This helps me release attachment to things that I’m currently clinging to such as any identity labels, relationships, or habits that may be holding me back from my next evolution

Being okay with change is not just something that we suddenly have. It’s something we need to practice, whether it’s through our job, hairstyle, friendships, daily regimes, etc

When was the last time you allowed yourself to undergo a significant change?

If you’re ready and serious to change this year, doors are open for us to work together in any way, from online courses to 1-1 mentoring. It’s an honour to be able to guide you on your journey 🫶

Click here to see more, or hit reply to find out more!

Talk soon,

~ Trang

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)