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Biggest takeaways from the Life of Legacy Retreat!

If you missed it, today’s new podcast episode is all about the Life Of Legacy Retreat, what really went down, and the biggest learnings from this incredible time…

Here’s a sneak peak:

1. Change is the only constant

Skydiving was postponed and cancelled a total of three times during the retreat. So what we learned was if we want to be ready, and therefore, worthy of having something, we must also be ready to lose that thing. We must prepare to face all possible scenarios, not just the best-case scenario

2. Be, do, have… Not have, do, be

Where people wait to reach a financial or achievement milestone before they can be confident or selfless, it’s actually the other way around. We need to show up as that person FIRST to achieve those milestones. The photoshoot showed the women that they didn’t need to wait to feel different within themselves… They could choose to be that person NOW

3. There are varying tiers of self-worth

Just because you are someone who does incredible things, doesn’t guarantee that you will feel worthy. There are plenty of high-achievers who are riddled with self-doubt because they may struggle to FEEL pride or self-love when looking at their achievements. Many don’t even recognize the magnitude of their achievements to begin with. Letting the women work through each of the tiers of self-worth at the retreat ensured that no dimensions of self-worth would be bypassed

To hear the full story behind each of the five takeaways from the Life Of Legacy Retreat, listen to the full episode on The Aligned Performance Podcast below!


I’d love to hear what you think… Make sure you hit reply and share with me which one resonated most with you 🙂

Chat soon,

~ Trang Nova xo

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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