I’m sure you’ve heard by now that you are the hero of your own life
You get to experience the journey, learnings, growth, and reward at the end
But, being the hero isn’t enough
Because imagine that your life were a movie
What if you were the hero of the movie, but had no control over the storyline? Because someone else was the director?
The thing is, you ALSO need to be the director of your movie
Don’t just follow someone’s script, write and create your own
It’s time you rise up to claim the director’s seat
The only limitation, is your imagination
Ps, I’m in the works of finalising the final ‘Power Your Potential’ immersion for the year. If you’d like to save the date, block out October 8 in your calendar 😏
Also, please feel free to send me an email (trang@alignedperformance.com.au) to let me know what you would benefit most from learning at this point in time, and I’ll see if I can add it to the immersion!
Chat soon – Trang