
Why you need know your deepest purpose for what you do?

There’s no question that it’s possible to achieve happiness from achieving ‘success’ alone. This may even be the quickest way to get a rush, as it also comes hand in hand with external validation. But at the deepest level and when playing the lifelong game, there is still more to it 🧐

Time and time again, highly successful people have shown that there is more that the soul needs. They have it all – The career, the money, the fame… Yet they can still be so extremely detached, joyless and empty 😔

For me, it’s high performance WITH purpose. This fulfils not just the mind and the body, but also the heart. Purpose not just within ourselves, but for a positive impact for the world around us 🙏🏽

Connection to your purpose might not come to you overnight. It doesn’t have to be one, perfect ‘purpose’ either. It will no doubt evolve over time as you become clearer and step into your truest being in this lifetime. However, it all starts with awareness 💭

My coaching to help people thrive is about each individual, as well as to see humanity collectively thrive. Why? Thriving humanity = Many problems solved from the root of why those problems are there in the first place. Thriving humanity = A thriving, loving & harmonious planet for all beings now and for future generations. It’s a vision that drives me so deeply, and is the exact reason my soul is so full every day when I go to work 🔥❤️🌎

What is your deepest why?


Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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