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Where I am today comes down to these 6 decisions I keep making…

When I think about how I’ve gotten to where I am today, there are repeated themes that have played a leading role. What are they…?

  1. I keep deciding to say YES. Yes invites new opportunities, learnings, growth, and successes
  2. This seemingly contradicts number 1, but it actually compliments it. As much as I say yes, I also say no. I say no to things that I know will hold me back or distract me from things I’ve already said yes to
  3. I only decide to take advice from those who are representative of who I want to become, and what I want to achieve. Not just because they are people who are close to me and who I love

If these have been helpful, listen to today’s new podcast episode to hear all 6 decisions that I keep making that I believe have gotten me to where I am today. I also share stories of how I have used these along my journey of pivoting careers and building my business from scratch!

Listen here, I’d love to hear what you think!

~ Trang

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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