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Want to double your revenue and expand into a team? This is how!

This week, I’m celebrating my client Shivani, who in just one year, has DOUBLED her business revenue, expanded from solopreneur to a team of four, and moved into her own shop-front space!

Here are just 3 things she did that separate her results now from 1 year ago →

1. Committed to ACTION


A year ago, Shivani committed to a quantum leap for her Physio clinic. She committed energetically, financially, and with her time as she signed up for a 12-month business mentorship with me

She NEVER canceled a session. All the homework I gave her in each of our sessions would often be returned to me done within the first 24 hours.

This level of action meant she could experiment faster, fail faster, learn faster, and ultimately, get results faster.

2. REFINED her brand to set herself apart from the noise


Something that I do when clients first onboard with me is run an audit of their branding + messaging, to ensure that their foundations are stable and supportive for the upper business tiers of marketing + sales.

In our work together, Shivani dialed in her clinic brand to be THE clinic for people to go to if they want to ‘move with confidence’. Not only that, she created the tagline ‘Your LAST Physiotherapist’, which has now become ‘Your FIRST experience not being held back by pain or injury!’, so she could easily become known as the one GO-TO clinic that will actually work.

This branding set the stage for her to claim her corner of the market in Nottingham, England.

It’s not enough anymore to ‘just be good at what we do’. I believe this is a given, so it’s not enough to distinguish ourselves when we are all in the same market: The global market. (Even if you have a local business, people can still overlook your offer to choose an online option nowadays)

Instead, we NEED to position ourselves to be recognised and remembered for ONE thing that we do better than anyone else!

3. Filled in the gaps of her marketing funnel by adding in a free 15-minute consult for those who might still be sitting on the fence


Shivani was booking new clients each week, but I questioned how many more bookings she could get if she offered a greater variety of touchpoints to meet people where they were at and to ‘enter into her world’

As soon as she added in the option for a free 15-minute consult, she started consistently adding in at least 2 new bookings each week on top of what she was already doing! 🤯

This is where a lot of people leave leaks in their marketing funnel. They are often so passionate about their core offer, that they neglect creating a relevant and high-conversion pathway for people to discover their core offer.

Or maybe they do create once-off free products, but the type of product, its message, or solution isn’t a close enough match to create the desire for people to continue along the path and purchase their MAIN product


Naturally, we also worked on many other personal and business matters, such as weekly routines, offer optimization, marketing strategies, sales techniques, and communication skills. I could go on!

But these three components were such low-hanging fruits to generate immediate results.

Which one do you need to implement the most? Let me know!

Want to know more about mentoring? Find out here!

Trang Nova xxx

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)