
Perspective check: We don’t even work hard

Imagine this: I’d just finished a huge final working week of 2024.

It involved a multi-stop interstate trip speaking for an education company, and I was being driven back to my house by Ben, the company founder at 12.30am after landing back in Melbourne.

I was exhausted, on very little sleep, and felt like I was ready to sleep for 12 hours straight after the non-stop week of speaking and meetings.

We’re cruising along a near-empty M1 freeway and talking about what we’ve learned from this week of work.

I thought in silence for a moment…

“This week was hard” I said aloud. “But at the same time, this IS the life of a speaker. So, we have to be willing to take the hardest path because our dreams ARE hard”

Ben looks at me. “Love that! And if I may reframe, this isn’t even hard,” he says, “Like, we’re tired, but we’re literally driving back to our cosy homes in a Mercedes on a peaceful night. We may be at the gym at 4am, but it’s because we get to progress ourselves on top of doing what we love. We work inside an office that’s warm and away from the elements. This isn’t hard…”

Coming from someone who works more than anyone else I know, something clicks in my mind, and my eyes go wide in realisation.

Ben continues “There are people with missing organs, for goodness sake. There are people who don’t even have a car or a home. This isn’t hard. This is EASY”.

And in that moment, it hit me.

It’s motivating to tell ourselves to work hard for our dreams…

But it’s even more motivating (and gratifying) to realise that we don’t have it hard at all. We have it easy.

There are people out there who would do anything to make our worst day their best day. We live a life they could only imagine.

This means that achieving our dreams isn’t even that hard.

And if achieving our business goals was that easy, what are we waiting for!?

I’d love to hear your reflection! In what ways have you noticed that you have it so ridiculously easy?

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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