Watch client Ameera go from sounding uncertain with filler words in her speaking, to confident with a clear message after just one review of her technique
Can you hear how much more convicted and comfortable she sounds?
Here’s the first step to get rid of filler words: Realise it’s just a habit.
Filler words aren’t universal; that’s why every language has its own filler words that its citizens say!!!
So instead of automatically saying a filler word as you think of your next word, you need to train yourself to just shut👏🏼your 👏🏼mouth, and just stay silent instead!
I know the silence can be deafening.
But if you start on your own and record yourself talking to the camera, you can:
- Slow down and listen to your own words
- Try to catch yourself when you’re about to say a filler word, or even right after, and replace it with silence as you stay put and think of the next thing you will say
- Continue where you left off
If you keep practising this over and over, you WILL retrain your brain and how you deal with thinking as you speak!
Give this a go, I’d love to hear what you think! 🙃
Trang Nova x