
How did you manage to build your business on top of your full-time job?

Here’s a question that regularly comes up when people hear about my story:

How did you manage to build your online coaching business on top of your full-time job

…While ALSO keeping up with exercising, cooking, resting, socialising, seeing family, doing housework without falling apart?

My answer?

I went ALL in!

That’s how.

It’s how I built my coaching business to 6-figures on top of my Physio job in 2 years

And it’s how I continue to run my business while travelling for 4-6 months of the year

Now, by going all in, I don’t mean to work 20 hours a day for 7 days a week and neglect everything else.

I don’t believe in that. I’ve already done that in my early days and that directly led to burnout and two separate car accidents because I fell asleep at the wheel… 😔

I mean, go all in on what matters to do, especially WHILE you’re doing it. Then let go of everything that doesn’t matter (as much) as much to you

What this looks like is during the day, you work HARD then at night, you rest HARD. So when you finished your 9-5, you come straight home, you don’t open any apps or entertainment, and you go straight into 2 hours of focused business work.

Then once that’s done, you keep your laptop closed and spend quality time with your partner before going to bed. You max out in your work, then max our on your recovery too. You go ALL IN on everything you do.

That’s what I did early on. I let go of partying and socialising and went all in on the business, time with my partner, and my health regimes.

For my lifestyle now, I go bloody hard in my work for 2-4 months at a time. I’ll often work 10-12 hour days, up to 6 days a week. When when I’m travelling, I know I’ve earned my rest, and maybe sometimes work 1-3 hours a day.

It balances out in the end, but whatever I do, I’ll DO IT PROPERLY OR NOT AT ALL.

Does this resonate with you? Let me know!

Trang Nova xxx

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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