July8 (4)

If you are an aspiring speaker, I have something to assure you about

If you are an aspiring speaker, I have something to assure you about.

Whether you’re just starting out, sending out dozens of email pitches, or you’ve tried everything to get booked and now you’re wondering if speaking is meant for you…

I see you and feel you through this.

See my journey over the last 8 years as a speaker!

Just remember, if it were easy, EVERYONE would be doing it.

But BECAUSE it’s not easy, it means that you have the opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd. You will be able to rise to the occasion. And where most people aren’t willing to keep going, you will. And so you will be able to reap the reward that most will unfortunately only dream and talk about.

Significant results come from the insignificant things you do daily.

Every little bit of rehearsal. Every review of your own speaking. Studying your favourite speakers. Doing unpaid gigs. Practising on stages. Evolving your style.

And eventually, you WILL iterate yourself to success.

If you want more guidance on your journey of speaking with confidence and authority in and out of your business, I’m opening two 1:1 coaching spots to start immediately! I’d love to explore with you what you can achieve and how big things can get. Hit reply with ‘SPEAKING’ to get started ❤️

Trang Nova x

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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