
How to remove filler words when speaking?

Watch client Ameera go from sounding uncertain with filler words in her speaking, to confident with a clear message after just one review of her technique


Can you hear how much more convicted and comfortable she sounds?

Here’s the first step to get rid of filler words: Realise it’s just a habit.

Filler words aren’t universal; that’s why every language has its own filler words that its citizens say!!!

So instead of automatically saying a filler word as you think of your next word, you need to train yourself to just shut👏🏼your 👏🏼mouth, and just stay silent instead!

I know the silence can be deafening.

But if you start on your own and record yourself talking to the camera, you can:

  1. Slow down and listen to your own words
  2. Try to catch yourself when you’re about to say a filler word, or even right after, and replace it with silence as you stay put and think of the next thing you will say
  3. Continue where you left off

If you keep practising this over and over, you WILL retrain your brain and how you deal with thinking as you speak!

Give this a go, I’d love to hear what you think! 🙃

Trang Nova x

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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