
That is NOT what a brand is…

If you are a personal brand or service-based provider like a soloepreneur or freelancer, no doubt you have at some point filled out branding template to establish your mission, values, fonts, colours, and more

You’ve probably said that your brand values are integrity, leadership, and authenticity

And you have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying or discrimination

(I’m actually right about your values, aren’t I? 😉 Tbh, the majority of brands recycle the same values, whichhhhhh is a whole problem and separate conversation in itself!!)


Now, you know what your brand is about. You feel ready to put it out into the world and you are sure people are going to love what you stand for. After all, you have such pure intentions to help your audience!

However, there’s the problem. Just because you have completed a brand template for your business, doesn’t mean that’s what your brand is…


Your brand isn’t what YOU say it is, it’s what your AUDIENCE says it is

Your brand is how your audience perceives you and the meaning they attach to your business and your offers

You can say that your brand is one thing, but if you’re:

  1. Not fully convicted of your truth and you’re shy to fully express it
  2. Unclear on your messaging to CONVEY your brand to your audience
  3. Lacking a coherent content strategy to effectively package your messaging
  4. Showing up out of integrity because just this time, you need sales > relationships
  5. And more…

Then, your audience will NOT get the memo about what your brand is!

Brand work goes beyond filling out a brand template. It’s so much more. It’s the real-life embodiment and cumulation of EVERYTHING that you are, say, and do to your audience.

And that’s where the real branding work comes in 🙂

If you’re currently struggling with your branding and conversions, hit reply with ‘BRAND’. I’ll be happy to do a mini audit of the first three people’s social media pages and give feedback on my first impression of your brand! First in, best to shine your novaaaaa! 🙂 🌟

Chat soon,

T Nova xxx

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)