
​​The 6 biggest things that have contributed to my success in the last year.

Real talk. The last year has been challenging for most people, myself included.

At the same time however, it’s been the best year of my life yet. I’ve achieved massive outcomes and have been the most fulfilled yet. Upon reflection, there have been some huge shifts in how I think and do things in the last year, which are the very reasons I’ve been able to thrive through these times.

I shared these things along with the details of what my year has looked like in this week’s new podcast episode, which you can listen to here: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-n8jq5-10a70c8.  In a short summary, here are the 6 biggest things that have contributed to my success in the last year:

  1. I worked intimately with multiple incredible coaches

It’s 100000% because of the guidance and accountability from my business/life coach (@thetomclarkimpact) and my triathlon coach (@ryantwist3) that I could achieve my best year yet, despite the pandemic. This in itself has shaved-off years of my progress, and who knows if I ever would’ve ever been able to achieve the things I have without it.


  1. I became connected spiritually to myself and this universe

You know when someone is riding a bike, but it’s a grind because the tyres are flat? Well, connecting with your life purpose is like getting the bike serviced and tyres pumped up. Once you become deeply connected to yourself and this universe, everything becomes so much more exciting and things fall into place so much more easily


  1. I disconnected regularly to connect within

Half of the problem of this pandemic has been the sensationalist news and negative energy. Hello toilet-paper panic buying.  Over the last year, I limited my time consuming from the outside world (Social media/news/radio/tv) and spent more time in the inside world (Meditation/journaling). Since external results are just a delayed reflection of our internal world, this has been a big part of my achievements this year.


  1. Routine

In lockdowns, people have had too much time on their hands, which in turn actually made them less productive, therefore lost, depressed or anxious.  Lockdown or no lockdown, I still get up between 6-7am, train in the morning and get to my desk by 8-9am. Routine creates purpose which creates productivity which creates fulfilment.


  1. Letting go of resistance

Since you can’t change the present or past, there’s no point resisting and complaining about it. Instead, ask yourself what you can you do to either remove yourself from the situation or change it. If neither are possible, accept it, but ask yourself how you can make the most of it. Lockdowns have been crap, but I’ve also used them to my advantage to sleep more, advance my work, studies and relationship with James.


  1. Adaptability

Yes, It’s incredibly important for you to be tunnel-visioned focus towards our outcomes. But when things occur that are out of your control, failure to adapt can be the cause of your ‘death’. Remember Video Ezy? Yeah, me neither. But you know Netflix, yeah? Yeah, adaptability 😉


If you are someone who has faced challenges during these times, whether it’s a sense of stagnancy, loss of mojo or lack of accountability, this is exactly why I created The Journey of Potential, the 50-day online small-group coaching experience helping you to step up towards your outcomes before the end of the year. The next round starts on October 17, so click here to apply: https://alignedperformance.com.au/the-journey-of-potential/


Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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