

I’ve been fired from a job, I’ve run a workshop to 2 people, I’ve failed TAFE…

Let me share with you a little snippet of the timeline of my journey from 2014 to 2023… (Yes those photos above are almost like a before and after lol) 2014: Failed my Personal Training TAFE course 2015: Started posting online to 23 followers 2016: 2 people + my parents came to my first workshop

I’ve been fired from a job, I’ve run a workshop to 2 people, I’ve failed TAFE… Read More »

6 signs that you should pursue that new career path or business idea

Change is the only constant  People are constantly evolving as they accumulate experiences and intergrate them into their current-day identity, philosophy, values etc. What this means for you is that you may often find yourself evolving in new directions from a current career or business that was previously perfect. This is natural but can create inner

6 signs that you should pursue that new career path or business idea Read More »

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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