

That is NOT what a brand is…

If you are a personal brand or service-based provider like a soloepreneur or freelancer, no doubt you have at some point filled out branding template to establish your mission, values, fonts, colours, and more You’ve probably said that your brand values are integrity, leadership, and authenticity And you have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying or

That is NOT what a brand is… Read More »

How did you manage to build your business on top of your full-time job?

Here’s a question that regularly comes up when people hear about my story: How did you manage to build your online coaching business on top of your full-time job …While ALSO keeping up with exercising, cooking, resting, socialising, seeing family, doing housework without falling apart? My answer? I went ALL in! That’s how. It’s how

How did you manage to build your business on top of your full-time job? Read More »

I got featured on MEDIUM!!! 🙌🏽❤️‍🔥

Sooooo my interview got published on MEDIUM by Authority Magazine last month and this is kinda actually really cool and validating that people want to read my stuff!?!? From talking about how stepping on a snail led to my career pivot, my best innovative strategies for small businesses, to unconventional advice for people starting their

I got featured on MEDIUM!!! 🙌🏽❤️‍🔥 Read More »

Reserve your spot here

When: Tuesday. October , 7-9pm, AEST
Where: Global meeting spot online ;)
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