
Hey there, I’m Trang Nova!

Do you want to do what you love on your own terms by building your dream business while enjoying lifestyle flexibility, financial freedom and personal fulfilment? 


I’m a business coach and strategist for people who are personal brands or run service-based businesses, and are hungry to shine their nova through their brand and speaking voice, so they can achieve more visibility, and ultimately, get greater conversions, revenue, and impact.

I’ve been there before. I was four years into my career as a Physiotherapist before I decided that I needed to become and do more. I was looking down the barrel of another four decades of sitting between four walls and thought, ‘Is this really it?’ 

The quarter-life crisis

It took over a year of thinking about it before I became fed up with my inaction and took the leap. I started to build my mindset coaching business to help people more comprehensively, not just as athletes but also as human beings. 

However, at the start of my business journey, my lack of experience led me to overwork myself to the point of falling asleep at the wheel not just once but twice. This wake-up call helped me to finally learn how to harmonise my business and lifestyle. 

The pivot

I gradually reduced my Physiotherapy hours until, after two years of building my business in a way that supported my lifestyle, I reached six figures and exceeded the income from my job, allowing me to step away from Physiotherapy completely. 

Now, I run my thriving business while travelling for half of each year. As a business coach and strategist, I campaign for people to Shine Their Nova & Live with Freedom and Fulfilment, so they can fully express themselves through their business brand and speaking voice and run their dream business on their own terms. 

Business Coaching and Strategy isn't unique, but HOW I do it is...

The thing is, I’ve lived multiple lives: I’ve been in the trenches of hustle culture working 60-hour weeks, and now I run my spacious business while traveling up to half of each year 

What that means is I can help you with ALL of it

I know many coaches who teach only business strategy without practical lifestyle rituals to sustain that business success. In contrast, some coaches focus more on healing/manifestation than actual results generation.  

Fi Mims Photography [https://fimimsphotography.com.au/]

My strengths are in empowering you to shine your inner nova, so you are ready to stand out as someone who you’ve never been before. 

I provide you with all the tried-and-tested business systems (Branding, marketing, offer creation, etc) to set up your business properly once and for all. 

The value of my work is that I don’t just advise and coach, I get INTO my clients’ businesses by reviewing their business content, such as their branding, marketing plans, and offers, and getting hands-on with the feedback and optimization. I act like an expert business partner who will take on the workload to help move the needle the most in business results and revenue.

Ultimately, I show you how to do this while avoiding burnout, so you don’t just erect once-off business success but will sustain a powerful and thriving empire for years to come while living with freedom and fulfilment.

I’m told that my bold lifestyle and results inspire people to work with me, but it’s my warm energy and authentic care that keeps them coming back time and time again. I pride myself on intimate and ongoing relationships with my clients, so they know that I am ALWAYS in their corner! 


The road here wasn’t straightforward. When I was 24, I was already doing well as a Physiotherapist and Strength Coach, but then started feeling called to be and do more. I would envision doing this for the rest of my life and ask myself “Is this it..?”

I spiralled into a quarter-life crisis, knowing I was destined for so much more if I truly wanted to leave the world a better place than how I was born into it. 


So, I left the sports industry to help people not just as athletes, but to thrive as human beings. Because ultimately, I believe that when enough people thrive, then humanity will thrive. And when humanity thrives, then the world can thrive for all forms of life and future generations.

I strive to be the leader that I longed to have as a young girl, but didn’t have:

  • One who lives boldly so you can have permission to do the same.
  • One who hears and understands you, so you know you are ok, and ‘normal’
  • One who shows you what’s possible because if I can do it, you can too

As women, we have more opportunities than ever before. More power, freedom, and abundance than ever before.

But the problem is too many of us are held back from building our dream businesses of impact because we don’t KNOW what we want to do with our lives. Maybe we know, but are stuck on HOW to get there or keep limiting ourselves due to doubt and fear.

This is what I’m here to guide and support you through.

The old world rewarded women for staying in line and being a ‘good girl'.

But the new world rewards audacious action, freedom of expression, trailblazing leadership, and revolutionary ideas

Let’s do the thing. Become world-class, build our queendoms, jump out of planes (Which we ACTUALLY do at my retreats), travel the world, and become Women of LEGACY.

Ladies, there’s a whole world of people out there who need you, so don’t you dare dim your light. It’s your duty to shine. And that’s exactly what a NOVA is: A new, bright star that appears in the sky and releases powerful energy.

So GO out there and shine your inner NOVA!!!

Fun things about me

Ways we can work together:

An intimate mastermind for women who are hungry to grow their serviced-based businesses to replace the income from their jobs (While thriving as empowered women, not JUST as business owners)

Have it all in one place: Proven step-by-step training videos and templates/script, 1:1 personalised feedback & strategy, bi-monthly live calls, and ongoing support in an intimate sisterhood so you can do what you love on your own terms. 

The most intimate partnership where we can skip the fluff and dig right into your business so you can have the exact guidance, troubleshooting, and plan that you have been missing. Trang will get INTO your business by doing a comprehensive review of your business components like your brand, marketing plan, offer, and more. This is where you can fast-track your dream business results while receiving constant support so you never feel alone. 

Mentoring can be bespoke as a once-off coaching and strategy session, or extended for three, six, or 12 months.