
get clear on your next steps, develop deep-rooted confidence, and high-performance habits...

(Then you won't ONLY get fabulous business success, but you'll sustain them for life!)


You are ready to get clear on your next steps, cultivate your best mindset by overcoming fear, procrastination, and limiting beliefs while developing deep-rooted confidence, and high performance habits so you can be ready to revolutionise your life and run your business starting with its foundations: YOU

That way, you can start consistent action on your business without holding yourself back

You know you have so much potential and you’ve wanted to start your business for ages, but you feel stuck in doubt and self-comparison so another day, month, year, goes by… and you’re still in the same place. 

And this makes you feel confused and frustrated at yourself for not taking the action that you know is part of your journey. 

The thing is, I believe that everyone has infinite potential, but not everyone has created the internal system (i.e. beliefs, mindset, confidence) to be able to achieve that potential. At the same time, you’ve got one shot at this life, so you shouldn’t settle for anything less than who you are made to be. 

I know what it’s like to know that you are destined for so much more than where you are currently at, but feel confused and stuck on how to move forward.

I’ve been there before. I was 4 years into my university qualified profession as a Sports Physiotherapist and 12 months into my quarter life crisis before I decided I was fed up with my own inaction, and decided to put my foot down and take that leap.

I started to build my coaching business as I gradually dropped back my Physiotherapy hours. After 2 years, I had completely replaced my income and could finally step away from my 9-5 which opened up a new chapter of my life, where I was now operating full-time in my own business with complete autonomy over my time and energy. Freedom felt amazing. I felt like I was on holidays 24/7. No more Sunday night blues. No more waking up with dread. No more living for the weekend. 

2018: I was doing ‘well’. Yet, I’d get Sunday blues, wake up feeling dread, binge eat, feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied with myself. Deep down, I was far from happy

2024: I am driven & fulfilled by my purpose. Work is impactful & abundant. I get to do what I love while travelling half of each year.

The thing is, I’ve lived multiple lives: I’ve been in the trenches of hustle-culture working 60-hour weeks, and now I run my spacious business while travelling solo half of each year 

What that means, is I can help you with ALL of it I know a lot of coaches who only teach business strategy without the personal development to hold that business success. In contrast, a lot of coaches are more focused on spiritual healing/manifestation than actual results generation. 

My strengths are in empowerment and lifting your energy from the inside out, as well as crafting proven strategies and executing high-performance rituals so you can achieve extraordinary success AND sustain it 

I’m told that it’s my bold action and high results that inspire women to come in, but it’s my warm and authentic care that keeps women renewing time and time

Now, I get to live my truest and fullest life running my 6+ figure dream business that gives me freedom with my time and travel. I get to go to bed at night with deep fulfilment, and most importantly, create a positive impact on the world 

And this is exactly why I created Power Your Potential. With the right resources, anyone can do it. Let me show you how you, too, can break the cycles of who you’ve been, and step up in your life and business to start achieving the things you previously didn’t think you could!



This foundational and transformative 4-week online course is for those of you who aren’t satisfied in your current job, and want to break existing cycles of inaction to ignite your inner potential and start your own business!

Here's the 3-step framework used in Power Your Potential for you to ignite your potential!!


Step 1: Immediate clarity on your next steps

Upon enrollment, you’ll get instant access to all the modules so you can immediately get started on your journey and work through the content at the pace that suits you. I’ll take you through my unique process to help you identify your uniqueness and what impact you want to create and then the key mindset shifts that are going to help you move forward and achieve that


Step 2: Transform

Once you have gotten clarity on the direction you are going in, you will be taken through the steps of shifting your inner programming so you can get out of your way and transform at the deepest level for true and long-lasting results. Reset your mindset and develop self-awareness practices that you can revisit at any time so you don’t do what most people do: Fall back into their old ways after a few weeks and put their business on the back burner AGAIN

Step 3: Action

Lastly, we’ll put in place the final key step for your business to become a reality: Implementing personal and professional high-performance habits to keep you accountable and moving forward

Now, you will finally discover what you are truly made of and experience the daily self-pride and peace as you tick off the business milestones that you’ve always aspired to!

Now, you will get to finally discover what you are truly made of and experience the daily self-pride and peace as you tick off your business milestones that you’ve always aspired to!

What do clients have to say about working with Trang?

What can you expect from the course?


Power Your Potential is specifically designed for you if you are in the very early stages of your personal development and business journey. Maybe you’ve read some books and listened to some podcasts and now you want to invest into your self-development in a more committed and real way as you want to finally be ready to take the leap and start your own business

Having said that, if you don’t want to have a business but you’re fascinated by self-growth and want to do the work on yourself, Power Your Potential will still be for you. As the name suggests, Power Your Potential is about igniting your potential from the core of who you are so you can transform at the deepest level, which will then translate into every area of your life!

From Your Your Potential, clients have achieved fantastic results:

  • Revolutionary changes such as new jobs and pivoting careers into their dream pathway Eg. From clinical healthcare to corporate consulting, lawyer to musician
  • A pharmacist making her musician dreams a reality by releasing her first single and having it featured on the radio 
  • Record payrise negotiations
  • Doubled revenue in businesses
  • A woman ticking off her ‘ONE dream she must achieve before she dies’ within 18 months by leaving her corporate job, selling her house and moving to the country onto her dream property
  • Women leaving their jobs that they’ve been stuck in and landing their dream roles
  • Banishment of Imposter Syndrome
  • Starting up the new habit of exercising/breathwork/journaling and sticking with it longer than she’s ever been able to before
  • Women being able to say ‘I’m finally at peace and happy’

And so much more…

The best thing about Power Your Potential is that the course is available for you to start at any time! Simply enrol into the course and work through it at your own pace! However, there is a recommended pathway to go through the course as it is run live: 2x modules spread out across a week over 4 weeks for maximal accountability and change.

Trang teaches each of the pre-recorded modules in Power Your Potential.

So if you would like to ask Trang any questions about the course content, please don’t hesitate to DM Trang on Instagram or email her, she’s ALWAYS happy to answer questions and point you in the right direction!

Yes! Simply email Trang here so she can assist in arranging a flexible payment plan that suits you


This foundational and transformative 4-week online course is for those of you who aren’t satisfied in your current job, and want to break existing cycles of inaction to ignite your inner potential and start your own business!


Any questions, email trang@trangnova.com